John Hollinger
Fairfax, Virginia

Certificaciones / diplomas / títulos
- Goalkeeper level I & II
- E License
Responsabilidades actuales de coaching
- Playing: Maryland Bobcats FC (NISA, 3 rd tier pro)
- Coaching: Run private and small group Goalkeeper sessions in the DMV (DC, MD, VA
Responsabilidades de coaching anteriores
- Lisburn Rangers Youth (Northern Ireland) and multiple other clubs–
GK coach
- Runs own private and small group GK sessions in the DC/ MD/ VA
- Director of Goalkeeping – Lee Mount Vernon Soccer Club
-Maryland Bobcats FC (NISA) USA, 2022 - Third tier professional, USA
-Michigan Stars FC (NISA) USA, 2021 - Third tier professional, USA
-Lisburn Rangers FC, Northern Ireland 2020 • Starting goalkeeper with Lisburn Rangers FC in Northern Ireland
-Malmö City FC, Sweden: April - Oct 2019 • Starting goalkeeper for 20 League matches in Division 3 and 2 matches in Swedish Cup Qualification
-IFK Åmål, Sweden: July- Oct 2018 • Signed with IFK Åmål (Div. 3) at mid- season point
Semi-pro/ PDL:
- Next Academy Palm Beach (2018)
- Palm Beach Atlantic Universiy (2017-18)
- Canisius College (2013-17)
- Potomac Academy (USDA)
- DC United Academy
- Premier AC
- Great Falls United
Glove Sponsor: Mauer Athletics. Discount code: “hollinger1” for 20% off
Goalkeeping: @johnhollingergoalkeeping
Personal: @johnhollinger_27
Quote / Mission / Vision Statement:
“Just as the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many” -Matthew 20:28
“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” - Proverbs 27:17