Tony Vu
Hartsville, South Carolina

Certificaciones / diplomas / tĆtulos
- Scottish FA 1.2 Goalkeeping Coaching Certificate
- USSF National C Coaching License (2021)
- United Soccer Coaches Goalkeeping Level 3 Diploma (2014)
- University of Florida, Bachelors of Science in Family, Youth, and Community Services (2017)
- Coker University, Masters of Science in Sport Administration (2023)
Responsabilidades de coaching anteriores
- Former P.K. Yonge High School Volunteer Assistant & GK Coach (2022-23)
- Former Leg-A-Z Soccer Academy Director of Goalkeeping
- Former University of Florida Men's Club Soccer Head Coach
- Former Eastside High School JV Head Coach /Varsity Assistant Coach (2018-2019)
- Former FYSA Florida ODP Assistant Coach: 1999B (2015), 2001B (2018), 2006B (2019), 2006F (2020), 2008F (2020), 2009F (2021)
Responsabilidades actuales de coaching
- Coker Univeristy Men's & Women's Assistant & GK Coach
- USYS ODP Florida GK Coaching Staff
- Personal account: @tv_gkcoach (Instagram), @coachtony_coker (Twitter)
- Kronis Summer Pro/NCAA Goalkeeper Camp
- Glove Sponsor: Kronis Goalkeeping
Quote / Mission / Vision Statement:
Mission Statement: Your feet can take you anywhere you want to go in goal and in life.